5 thoughts on “Nonfiction

  1. I am in the midst of reading “The Circus Fire”, and felt strongly compelled to write and thank you for this book. I too remember reading that “Life” magazine from the early 90’s, and wanted to know more. Until your book that search had proved fruitless. The mystery of “Little Miss 1565”, as well as all the other stories, are so haunting. As a Connecticut native and a history buff, I am so glad you took up the mantle and penned this never should be forgotten tragedy, replete with heroic stories, and mind numbing sadness. My mom was in junior high school in New Haven in 1944, and remembers the horror of the fire via the radio and local paper. There was a constant barrage of focus that summer. So glad the Barnes and Noble here in North Haven had a copy of “The Circus Fire”! Best Wishes on all your up coming endeavors,
    Carolyn Thalken

  2. Some time back, I stumbled on “The Circus Fire” and read it cover-to-cover…….great book! Today, I met a retired Ringling Bros. animal handler who’d worked with the last surviving elephant from that fire…….she was over 90 years old when he worked with her!

  3. The dedication to “The Circus Fire” are among the most eloquent words I have read in years. Am currently going through the book for the third time to find the two sentences about survivors remembering the sounds of animals perishing. Believe I memorized the second sentence, ” No animals were injured in the fire.” I may never write anything so fine, bit I will try.

  4. Thank you for writing about the circus fire. My mom was only 6 when this happened and she remembers it like yesterday. I was brought up knowing about the fire. Your book is one of the best nonfiction histories I have ever read. I plan on visiting the graves of the unknown victims and the memorial. As I place flowers I will be thinking about the vivid pictures and words from your book. I am thankful that you took this project to heart and I will teach everyone I know about it so no one will ever have to go through a tragedy like this again.

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